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Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to Become an Effective Business Leader

A person who possesses certain characteristics is capable of becoming a great leader. These characteristics can be learned by anyone who believes they are performing inadequately in their current position of leadership. An effective leader is someone who is able to successfully communicate assertiveness, confidence, leadership, responsibility and boldness.

Great leaders past and present often test positive for psychological traits such as these. If you were to break down the demands of each of these traits, you will become closer to understanding completely what it takes to become a more effective leader. In addition, a great leader must also be friendly, outgoing and good-natured. All of these characteristics are a major factor to becoming a more effective leader.

Research indicates that individual who possess traits such as these is typically happier, and people are more prone to follow someone who is in high spirits. An effective leader must be confident in his or herself. He or she must also be:

  • Secure
  • Self-reliant
  • Certain
  • Poised
  • Brave
  • Self-assured
  • Fulfilled

Individuals who have high self-confidence are able to deal with challenges more successfully and are not discouraged easily. Effective leaders are better at handling unexpected events, making assertive judgments, and are able to articulate their opinions and thoughts quickly.

An effective leader is assertive, they must also be:

  • Argumentative
  • Influential
  • Headstrong
  • Hostile
  • Persuasive
  • Opinionated

When it comes to making decisions, an effective leader does not falter or hesitate, keeping the confidence of their followers. Becoming a good leader means that you know when something needs to be done, and you do not let anyone or anything stop you when you know you are right.

For many reasons, in order to lead effectively you must be bold. You must be able to keep your cool in unfamiliar territory, adapt to changes quickly and be willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals and accomplish an overall objective. Bold leaders are more likely to prevail when there are tough decisions to be made.

In order to become a truly great leader, you must have a strong desire to influence, direct and control others. You must take on your role as a leader naturally and take pleasure in the challenges and responsibilities of being the one in charge. Your leadership style must be active, ensuring that you will take control quickly in any situation.

One of the most important traits that an effective leader must master is leadership. In order to master leadership one must be:

  • Authoritative
  • Commanding
  • Controlling
  • Directing
  • Dominant
  • Dynamic
  • Forceful
  • Influential

By making a commitment to study and make a conscious effort to learn the traits of an effective leader, anyone is able to improve and enhance their leadership skills. Not only will mastering the traits of a great leader help you become an expert in your industry, but can also help to improve your overall well-being.

Learn From Fellow Leaders

By following someone who is already an effective leader, you gain the experience and confidence that you need to become a leader yourself. A great many experts agree that anyone who wants to become successful in their business stand a better chance at it when you receive guidance from a mentor. A mentor has the type of wisdom that can only come from experience in the industry. When you are looking to climb the ladder of success and become an expert in your field, you would fare well from following in the footsteps of a great mentor.

Such a relationship will bring you valuable advice and guidance. You may benefit from having a mentor by attending events and meeting people that only those with mentor level experience are able to access. Mentors are more than happy to offer their guidance to subordinates because it gives them a chance to strengthen and improve on their own leadership skills and abilities.

Many businesses have failed because they underestimated the true value of a great mentor. A mentor can bring valuable insight and teach you a horde of useful things. Having great mentor in your life gives you peace of mind and comfort knowing that you have someone with knowledge of the industry that they are willing to share with you.

One advantage to having a mentor it they are able to encourage you and give you courage when you need that extra push. Others may offer encouragement to you, but when you hear it from a person who knows the ins and outs of your business it seems to have a greater meaning. A mentor can motivate you with nothing more than a straightforward comment affirming you that you are still on track, especially when you feel times are tough. Mentors have the ability to provide reassurance because they have experienced everything that you are going through on their own.

Gaining wisdom often comes from making mistakes. When you have a good mentor to follow, you are able to learn from their experience and avoid making the same mistakes with your business. Experience is the most effective lesson you will ever learn, but that experience does not have to be your own. You will save yourself a lot of time, money and heartache when you have a mentor helping you steer clear of the mistake that they made along the way.

You may form a great relationship with your mentor, but you do not necessarily have to be all that fond of him or her. You want a mentor who is a leader first and a friend last. A friend sees you for who you are while a mentor sees the person you are destined to become. A friend will simply accept your flaws and shortcomings, but a good mentor will not tolerate weakness.

A mentor will push you to be the professional expert that you know you can be. It takes a special kind of person to be able to draw the ability and talent out of less developed people. Talent is not just some skill that can be taught. A mentor is able to see the talent within and help you to bring out your best, and help you to discover special qualities you were not aware you had.

The main objective of a good mentor is to ensure your success; therefore, a good mentor is always willing to be truthful with you no matter what the situation may be. A mentor does not simply tell you what you want to hear. Telling you how great you are when you are wrong will never make you right.

A good mentor is invaluable for a number of reasons, such as providing:

  • Advice
  • Counsel
  • Encouragement
  • Knowledge
  • Motivation

A mentor is essential for your personal growth toward becoming a leader in your industry. In order to be an effective leader you must be able to follow the lead of someone who has already achieved great success in the industry.


Now, you know what it means to be an effective leader as well as the importance of being able to follow those who can teach you everything that you need to learn about your business. To be a true leader, you need to be able to influence others to be the best that they can be. As a leader, you must be an example for others to follow, as well as guide them and inspire them to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves.

Anyone can learn to lead. Each of us possess the potential for great leadership, just as we can all sing and dance. True some people are better at it than others are, but we can all build on the foundation with which we are born through practice, mentoring and training. You do not necessarily have to be born a natural leader to become a very effective leader.

Leadership is the course of action that assists a team in reaching its goals with success. Leaders and the other members of the team are able to have a mutual influence on one another's ideas. By exhibiting great leadership, one is able to find solutions that would otherwise go unknown. An effective leader is organized and possesses a harmonious combination of special behaviors, knowledge, skills and values that they are not only able to use for to achieve their own goals, but to also aid others in doing the same. Everyone has his or her own beliefs of the different traits that a valuable leader should have.

Each team is different when it comes to values and beliefs about what is considered an effective leader. The team will assess the leadership skill of the candidate and decide on a leader based on how the traits compare to the characteristics that particular team finds valuable. It is vital that you are aware of your own knowledge, values and abilities as well as what others think of you.

For instance, if creativity is a highly valued characteristic for the team, then it is crucial that you be seen as a creative person. When you are completely aware of your own weaknesses and strengths, you will also be able to create a plan to work on the areas in which you may need a little improvement.

If you intend to successfully become a more effective leader, you must make an effort to practice and learn the skills. A few of the most important components are:

  • The ability and skills to communicate successfully
  • Building teams
  • Vision
  • The ability to add value to individuals and the team
  • Taking risks
  • Understanding and knowledge of specific jobs

Basic knowledge about your business, how to run an effective meeting and to efficiently take care of business are typical characteristics of a good leader. An effective leader is well aware of the business, its purpose, goals and objectives. A good leader knows that they cannot successfully achieve their objective on their own. The notion that the leader is above the others in a team is a thing of the past.

An efficient leader is fully involved in the team's projects and stays in contact with the members of the team. A truly valuable leader will enable the members of the team to reach their objectives by offering emotional support, technical assistance and total vision. A good leader will insist on the assistance and support of everyone influenced by the project.

One of the greatest characteristics of an effective leader is that they take the time to reward and recognize the members of their team for a job done well. When the members of the team are bored, frustrated and tired with a certain goal, task or project, they may be tempted to throw in the towel and call it quits. It is the responsibility of the leader to motivate and encourage the group to continue with the project through completion.

Expressing genuine respect and concern for the business, the community and all the people affected is a sure fire strategy to achieving expert status in the industry. You will not find a special recipe or magic spell to turn you into an effective leader. You must endure the trial and error process and never quit learning and practicing until you are the successful leader that you know you can be.

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