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Sunday, September 20, 2009

How to Market Yourself on Facebook and Myspace and Make Money

How to Market Yourself on Facebook and Myspace and Make Money

Marketing yourself on Facebook and Myspace is a great way to get attention and make extra money or a full time income. My gaining friends and getting noticed, you can encourage others to look at your blogs, articles, or even sign up as referrals under you. Using Facebook and Myspace to gain publicity will help you to increase popularity and spread word of mouth about the things you've been doing. Here are some ways to market yourself on Facebook and Myspace and make money.


  1. Step 1

    Sign up for Facebook with a user name, password, and email address. You may also want to enter your contact info including real name, phone number, and address. However, understand that placing this info on Facebook will cause it to be seen by everyone, so be careful if you don't want certain information on there or make your profile private. You should also add a profile picture. Once you have signed up under Facebook, start inviting friends.

  2. Step 2

    Follow the directions for signing up for Facebook and do the same to sign up for Myspace. The idea is basically the same except that Myspace allows you to fancy-up your profile page for added attention if you choose. There are many sites that offer help in adding things to your profile including a background, contact generator, surveys, and much more. Be sure to add a picture on Myspace as well to market yourself. See resource list below for more information and links.

  3. Step 3

    Once you've invited friends to Facebook and Myspace, tell people what you're up to. If you have a blog, articles on eHow or another site, or even pay per click ad accounts, put them on Facebook and Myspace. Get attention to what you are doing so that people can check it out and help you make money. For example, if you have a blog you want people to visit, put that under the ‘what you are doing' box in Facebook and Myspace with a small explanation of what the blog is about. Do the same for any articles or pay per click accounts you have. Be sure to add referral links so people can sign up under you.

  4. Step 4

    Encourage people to check out your sites by telling them they can make money like you. People on Facebook and Myspace are generally there to make friends and reconnect, but many are looking for new opportunities and relationships. Get people interested in your sites by sending them private messages or creating bulletins on Myspace and chatting on Facebook. Create a catchy headline such as ‘make money with ____, I am!' or ‘see how much you can earn with _____." Marketing yourself on Facebook and Myspace is much like selling yourself and your services to people who might be interested. The more people you reach, the better so constantly update your messages and bulletins and send them out often.

  5. Step 5

    On Myspace, you can enhance your profile page by adding anything you like. Be sure to place all your referral ads, some articles you've written, or your blog link and articles all over your profile page so your friends and others can click on them. If you want even more attention, categorize your Myspace profile as a money making site, rather than just using a simple self profile. For example, your user name (which shows up with your picture) could be ‘makemoneyonline' or ‘makemoneywithme'. I've included a link to show you how you can market yourself on Myspace. See resource list below for a link and more information.

  6. Step 6

    Using Facebook, you can constantly update what you are doing in a small box listed at the top of your profile page. Be sure to add stuff to this daily to market yourself. You can also edit your hobbies, occupation, and an ‘about me' message. Add your links for referral, articles, or blog in these spots rather than using them for personal information. I've included a Facebook profile that shows how you can market yourself using Facebook. See resource list below for a link and more information.


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